Thursday, January 01, 2009

Yesterday concludes the end of 2008. A special year to me.
It's a year that I first entered the army.
It's a year that I learnt how to cherish.
It's a year that I learnt how to let go.
It's a year that made Kden a better Kden.

Thanks to all who made 2008 a special year for me.

What is awaiting me is today and the never ending tomorrows of 2009.
I believe it's going to be a much better year than 2008. I am looking forward to every single day!

A big welcome to you, 2009.

31st December.

A day spent with ever smiling C4IS.
A day spent with precious You.
A evening spent with lovely You.
A night spent with special You.
A call with the bestest You.

I decided not to post any pictures for this year countdown.
It's a memorable day spent with all of You(s).
This is how important you all mean to me.

Happy 2009 to everyone out there! Lets make this year another special year!

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